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My Child Lebensborn Review

December 5, 2022
My Child Lebensborn Review

Whether you are considering purchasing this game or have already started playing, it is important to know what to expect. In this review, you will learn about the gameplay, trophies, and objectives. You will also learn about what makes this game unique.


During World War II, a program in Nazi Germany created children out of foreign women. This program was shut down after the war. Eventually, the program was adopted by a group of racially pure parents. This association sought to increase birthrates of Aryan children.

The My Child: Lebensborn game is a simulation game based on true events. Players play the role of adoptive parents. They are given a choice of adopting a boy or girl. They must learn how to raise and nurture the child. They will also have to manage their family, finances and resources. This will include making decisions and influencing the child’s feelings.

My Child: Lebensborn is a great game. It gives players a unique take on the post-apocalyptic genre. Its graphics and visuals are fantastic. This is one of the best games available for Android. It has an engaging storyline and interesting gameplay.

It is a unique role game that puts players in an extremely difficult situation. It also includes great visuals and sounds. The game has three main meters that let you interact with the child.


During World War II, a few thousand children were born to Norwegian women. The Lebensborn Super Breeding Program, a Nazi program, involved German soldiers fathering children with local women. These children were then uprooted to Germany. After the war, the program was terminated.

The children who were uprooted to Germany were put up for adoption, often by single mothers. The parents were told that the child would end up in a better place. They could also leave town with the child. In addition, the children had to be raised in a way that preserved their faith.

The game, My Child Lebensborn, was inspired by the real-life experiences of children born during the war. It’s an interactive documentary that challenges players to influence the way the child thinks and feels.

The game uses interactivity to facilitate empathy and compassion. It’s also a great educational tool. It tackles heavy topics like bullying and the passing of blame. It can also be a bit dreary.


Besides its many permutations, My Child, the brainchild of Norwegian game designer Jonas Reitner, has one big drawback. Aside from the fact that it’s a game for the first timers, it’s not the easiest to play. On top of that, it’s also not the cheapest. Unlikely, you have to be willing to pay your hard earned cash. Thankfully, the game can be downloaded on your smartphone of choice. On top of that, you can also play it on your desktop, as long as you’re a Windows or Mac user. As of writing, the game’s list price is only $109.99. The game is available for iOS and Android devices, with PC variants on the way. It’s also got a full trophy list, including a hefty six platinum awards. If you’re in the market for a game to play while on the go, My Child may be just the game for you.


Whether you’re interested in learning more about the Lebensborn kids, or just want to play a role-playing game on your phone, My Child Lebensborn will offer you something to enjoy. The game is designed to teach kids about the experiences of the Lebensborn children, while also making dark history a little more accessible for children.

The game is based on real-life events, and it was inspired by real Lebensborn kids. It’s also designed to show how a child’s character changes after he learns about his biological past. The game requires players to make tough decisions. This includes providing food for the children and bathing them. In addition, players are also responsible for teaching them new things. It also allows users to choose their own dialogue.

The game also explores difficult themes such as hate, blame, and bullying. It’s a great way to learn about the experiences of Lebensborn children after World War II, but it’s also emotionally disturbing.

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