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Number Munchers Review

December 6, 2022
Number Munchers Review

Originally released in 1986, Number Munchers is a game from MECC that was developed for the Apple II. In 1990, the game was ported to the Macintosh and the DOS. The original game was a spinoff of the classic word game Word Munchers.

Multiples, Factors, Primes, Equalities, and Inequalities

Whether you are a parent looking to keep your children busy, or a teacher looking to test the math IQ of your class, you’ll want to give this game a look. It’s a great way to boost confidence in the classroom. It’s also a lot of fun.

Number Munchers is an educational Pac-man-style game. It features 250 distinct levels. In the game, you control a muncher on a 6×5 grid. Each square features a basic arithmetic equation. The muncher gets more points for matching the right answer. The rules get harder as you go along. There’s a chance your score will earn you a spot in the coveted Muncher Hall of Fame.

The game’s main attraction isn’t the aforementioned levels. Rather, the game’s most interesting component is its ability to show you the right answer when you need it.

Fraction Munchers, Word Munchers, and Super Munchers

During the 80’s, the educational computer game series “Munchers” became popular among American school children. It is a game that requires players to move a green creature called “Muncher” around a grid of squares with short numerical or word expressions. The goal is to prevent the green creature from getting caught by the deadly “Troggle” monsters.

The game can be played with a joystick or a mouse. The player controls the muncher and must move him around the grid without crossing paths with the Troggles. If the player crosses the path with a Troggle, the muncher will be eaten. If the muncher gets the answer correct, he will move on to the next level. If the muncher gets the answer wrong, the muncher will lose his life.

Inequality and Equality

Educators looking for a good game to play during a teacher/student break may want to try out the Number Munchers game. This game is an educational tool for grades 3 through 8. It has a number of levels and five different modes of play.

The game has over 250 different levels, and they move faster than the original version. The game also features a safety grid that prevents you from getting eaten, or ‘troggled’. A nice touch is the ability to play the game in your browser. In addition, there is a randomized challenge mode. The challenge mode randomly places you into one of five different types of levels.

The game uses a variety of logic rules to test your mettle. The most important rule is to avoid getting eaten by the troggles.

Safety squares

Amongst the thousands of games gracing our iPhone and Android worthy pockets, a game based on the number one ranked Troggles is no small feat. Fortunately, you’re not the only one trying to score points with a few too many. On the other hand, you can’t deny that there are plenty of other ways to get your fill of these droolworthy droids. After all, it’s not every day you get to play a game that’s designed to keep you happy and engaged. That’s where the aforementioned aficionado comes in. Of course, you’ll need to be smart about the game in the first place in order to score the prize. One of the most important steps in this process is to set the expectations. After all, you’ll be playing the game for hours on end if you want to score the best possible score.


Whether you are an educator looking for an entertaining game to teach basic math concepts, or just a kid wanting to brush up on algebraic skills, MECC is an excellent choice. It’s easy to learn and is entertaining for kids ages five to twelve.

Number Munchers is part of the MECC series of educational games. It’s an edutainment title with five different modes of play. Each mode has a specific objective. For example, in Primes mode, the player must munch prime numbers only. Similarly, in Factors mode, the player must munch factors that are divisible by the given number.

Players can also play the game in multiple play mode, where the player must munch multiples of a given number. The character moves quickly around the grid, which is filled with numbers. If the player munches an invalid answer, they lose life. The player can then choose to pause the game and restart the Super Meter filling process.

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