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Ord Game Review

December 5, 2022
Ord Game Review

Taking a look at Ord’s features, we can see that it’s a game that has a lot of potential. You can expect to find a number of features that will help you to have a good experience with the game, such as the story, the randomisation of scenes and the audio cues.


Unlike some games that require you to play the whole game from scratch, HINT is very easy to play and is designed to accommodate new players. It has a variety of mechanics and encourages different kinds of creativity. It’s also compact, which makes setup less time-consuming.

HINT is a guessing game with a unique twist. Instead of providing players with one word, it presents them with two. Each time a player selects one, the game pushes the story forward. It’s like playing a choose-your-own adventure book.

Each episode is 3-4 hours long and has a number of clues to help you unlock the mystery. The puzzles are very complex and can be challenging. The game also features a tight storyline and physical components. It’s ideal for a group of 1-4 people.

Audio cues

Originally created by David Gassner, Audio Cues is an Android application that enables anyone to create sound designs for film, TV, or radio. Audio Cues can target WAV files, as well as preexisting markers in AIFF files. You can also import session information from ProTools.

Audio Cues can be used to create looping cues, which loop specific sections of a sound file. You can also combine a looping cue with a Devamp cue to create dynamic loop exits.

You can change the playback rate of your Audio cue by clicking in the Rate text field. In most cases, QLab will automatically adjust the pitch of your cue as the playback rate changes. If you would like to set a different playback rate, you can do so by clicking in the Rate text field and typing a new value.

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